I am often asked by brides and grooms who stands where at a wedding and where those who are part of the party play a role.

This can be something wedding planners at an venue will have a chat with them about or is something I can help with.

The beauty of each and every wedding is that there are no exact rules and ways you MUST do things.

It is your wedding, your way and each and every ceremony if different to the one before. Let me just make this clear before I begin.

Let’s just say though, you like to have your wedding follow the traditions and ways many have throughout the years and you both like to know who stands where and who comes in when!

The following advice and etiquette is written for a bride and groom as an example.

I am there and happy to help you with any further advice if say, you are a same sex couple. You are welcome to get in touch and ask me how you could follow things with your wedding ceremony.

Getting back to the bride and groom, let’s start with the groom and any best man and ushers he may be having with him.

Groom – the groom stands at the right hand side waiting on the bride to make her entrance. Stand though, where you are both most comfortable. Think about pictures being taken and where the best place is to stand for you, your bride and the photographer.

An Usher’s role is often being the first one to greet guest coming in and to show them to their seats. They can also stand at the right hand side of the groom during the ceremony if a couple want this, and at the right hand side of the best man/men! Or they could also be seated….its all about choices and space – let’s not forget about space.

Let’s picture the scene as example, there are four ushers, two best men and groom? How much room is there to get them all in and not take over too much picture space during a ceremony! Think about this also in regards to the best maid and bridesmaids.

The Ushers are very often the ones to bring both mother’s down to the aisle and take them to their seats!

The Best Man’s role –can be the one holding the rings, keeping the groom calm. Yes, it has been known! Maybe keeping him sober! Yes, it has been known! Technically and joking aside, he is in charge of the ushers, supporting the groom and giving a speech at the wedding meal.

The bridal party as they come down the aisle – We begin with any flower girl and page boys, followed by bridesmaids, then the best maid/matron of honour, followed by the bride.

I have had a few weddings with best men coming down the aisle playing the role of scattering petals or confetti & had ushers, a best man and a groom dance down the aisle before the arrival of the bride which created quite a stir! Loved it!

Best Maids and Bridesmaids – the best maid is there to support the bride, and take her flowers when she comes down the aisle. She is there to help her with her dress coming out the car, and  making sure her dress is sitting perfectly for her grand entrance. The bridesmaids are there to assist with any flower girls and page boys and assist the best maid in her role.

Bride – The bride has the most important part to play we know. She is the one coming down the aisle herself, with her mum, her father, her brother or whoever she has chosen to hand her over to her groom. Once she has came down the aisle, and has handed her flowers to her best maid, she then stands to the left of the groom or as we said, where we are comfortable!

One leaving a wedding ceremony, the bride and groom are first up the aisle, followed by their Best man and best maid, the bridesmaids and then the wedding guests!

So there you have it, wedding etiquette according to how it has went on for a good few years but as individuals and folk, we have the wedding the way we chose!

I am hoping this helped you either way! Get in touch if you need more guidance!