Ancient Pathways Scotland

In this Timeless Universe

As the seasons continue on we are reminded of the sacred earth at those times when we gather in those timeless places or stop to take in our surroundings

We rediscover time and again we are the Vastness of the Universe; beyond Eternal and part of all that is. Margery.

Gatherings in the Celtic calendar people often come together are;

♥ Beltane – May 1st and carrying over summer

♥ Summer Solstice – 21st June, the longest day in the North and some may call this Litha

♥ Lughnasah – August 1st, giving thanks for the harvest as we reap this in before winter

♥ Yule – Winter Solstice on the 21st December celebrates all the magic of this time

♥ Imbolc – February 1st and also known in religious circles as Candlemas, a time when Brigid was celebrated in her many forms and still is.

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People have and still gather at Scared Sites, Sacred Wells and Sacred Spaces to celebrate each of the markings of the year & to share in ritual & to connect with the land as we did in times gone by.

I have arranged and taken part in many retreats & gatherings bringing people together to mark times in the Celtic year.

I  have brought folk together on many a meditation circle, given talks, held nature walks, healing circles & shared in celebrating of the seasons or just celebrated with folk.

I have explored leylines, standing stone circles and scared places in groups. I have shared ideas with a fair few folk in bringing healing blessings to themselves, their homes and their surroundings. I have taught a fair few healing modalities.

I have stood feeling honoured, with couples in woodland settings, early morning on the beach and at Lochans they wanted to be by as they shared their vows of renewal or in marriage in places sacred to them

Our history is filled with stories and tales to tell of times our ancestors gathered to marry, give thanks and come together honouring the earth and each other. through ceremony

Ceremonies and gatherings can be in a woodland, a beach, a standing stone circle, at a sacred well, an ancient castle on a windswept shore or a community hall – I am sure you are now getting the picture!

Times to honour us as couple’s, parents, loved ones, group gatherings and all we mean to each other.

If you feel drawn to holding a ceremony, a gathering in an area you feel drawn to, or want to know more on bringing blessings to your home, you are very welcome to get in touch.

I am only too happy with plans and preparation and shall be sharing future events on this page

 Celtic Retreats

As a Spiritual Workshop Facilitator & Trainer I have held workshops, meditation circles, retreats and courses for years. People having time out, time in nature, gathering, relaxing and being with like-minded people.
Time out is good for the soul, as is ritual, giving thanks, blessings. These are all things we did in times past and we still do now in gatherings.

I have held retreats in many areas of Scotland for large and small groups from Kilmartin to Rosslyn and look forward to organising more in the future.

Taking that time out to nourish our soul. 


Healing Meditation Group

So very happy to say that once again I have re-started the monthly meditation groups at the Edinburgh College of Parapsychology in Edinburgh.

Spaces are limited to 15 so booking is required to keep a space for those who want to attend.

The link to join is here;  

I so look forward to these events building and growing once again and a few workshop ideas are in the pipeline.  I look forward to seeing you there!